Sunday, April 15, 2012

Week 15 - Here's To The Ladies

This week's play was inspired by two real life events.  One was a conversation about online dating with a woman I know, who is in her late 50s and single.  The other I can only describe as a drive-by emotional shooting.

As a single lady, well-meaning people often want to give you advice and (they think) hope.  "You'll find someone!"  "Have you tried online dating?"  "My cousin met someone at work/an NRA convention/bass fishing in Colorado and now they're getting married!"  About a year or so ago, I was complaining about my love life (or lack thereof) at my local coffee shop to several other sympathetic people (who were all single.)  My conversation was interrupted by one of those radiant twenty five year olds we all hate, with impossibly shiny hair, impossibly clear skin, and an impossibly bright outlook on life.  Her advice to me appears in this week's play.  It ran something like this:

"Hi, I couldn’t help overhearing you.  I just want to say that I was just like you.  I thought I’d never meet the right man.  One day, I told myself to stop looking, that it was never going to happen.  And as soon as I stopped looking, I met my wonderful boyfriend (indicates MAN) and he is perfect.  We’re getting married in the fall.  So, maybe you should just stop looking.  He will come to you.  I know because it happened to me!"

I'm sure her intentions were good and well-meant.  I still fantasize about smacking her repeatedly in the face.  Week 15's play is Here's To The Ladies.

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