Sunday, April 22, 2012

Week 16 - Two Sisters

Ladies and gentlemen.  Today, I reached a milestone.  This is the sixteenth week of the project.  I have kept it going for four months.

This may not seem like an accomplishment to some of you.  But....I have spent most of my life wanting to start doing BIG THINGS and then stopping them in week eight.  Or week two.  Things like an exercise regime.  Things like practicing the piano every day (God, I really need to start playing the piano again.)  Things like bold creative projects.  This project is not just a creative outlet for me (although it is.)  It is a way for me to reverse this psychological pattern and continue with something until the bitter or not so bitter end.  I'm proud of what I've accomplished so far.  I will be even more proud at the end of this year when I have 52 plays stacked up in front of me.  So, thank you for going on this journey with me so far and thank you for your words of encouragement.  They mean a whole hell of a lot.

Week 16's play is called Two Sisters.  It is admittedly not the best title but I really found that I couldn't come up with a better one.  The play was partly inspired by an article on parenting I read today in the New York Times.  Parents of my generation are much more into the whole "attachment" parenting phenomenon, and it's thought to have been caused by the fact that so many of my generation were latchkey kids, whose parents either both worked or who only had one parent that they lived with.  Two Sisters looks at two latchkey kids in 1985 and their relationships with each other and their mother.

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