Hello all. Apologies for the lateness of this post. I got sucked into last night's Academy Awards and fell down on my blogging duties. Mea culpa. Mea maxima culpa. I think I should take this moment to celebrate, however, that I've been doing this project for EIGHT WEEKS, that's TWO MONTHS. Yay! I feel like I should celebrate somehow. Maybe you guys will have some suggestions for a proper way to celebrate (besides looking at my growing stack of plays).
This week's play is called And The Winner Is. And yes, it's about the Academy Awards. I was struck while watching the Oscars how few movies I had actually seen this year. I don't think I'm alone in this. A lot of bloggers and writers have been talking about how the Oscars are out of touch. That's kind of what happens when the voters who decide who should win are almost unanimously white males over the age of 50. It's pretty much the same demographic that makes decisions about women's health in this country. Oh my. It's funny 'cause it's true. Anyway, my play examines what would happen if the Academy Awards didn't turn out as planned. I guess we can all hope, right? It sure would be more interesting than the snorefest that happened last night.
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