Hello everyone! Well, I have completed my second play of the year a couple of hours before my deadline. Although I'm happy with the way this one turned out, my goal for next week is to write a play that doesn't have anything to do with Shakespeare or Elizabethan theatre history. Time to expand my horizons a bit and look for inspiration elsewhere...
The play is a sequel to one that I wrote for my final assignment in Playwriting. I wrote my M.Litt thesis on the two most important Elizabethan clowns, Will Kempe and Robert Armin. I argued in my thesis that both clowns could have worked for the Lord Chamberlain's Men at the same time, before Kempe beat it and decided to explore the profitable world of morris dancing (true story). The play I wrote, Wiseguys, imagined the two as roommates in a sort of Oscar Madison (Kempe), Felix Unger (Armin) situation. Wiseguys, Part 2 continues the story of this odd couple as they go for a drink at the Boar's Head Tavern and almost change the course of Elizabethan theatrical history...
This play sounds amazing! I'd love to read it!